Wanted Dead or Alive (Preferably Alive) – I need to find these People plz

I am looking for a bunch of people. I am hoping you, dear visitor, will be able to help me get in touch with any of the following folks (it’s quite a list, so I hope you’ll bear with me)…


I am working on a 42nd Anniversary Edition of my disk magazine ST NEWS. I am looking for a few people who were essential to the world of the Atari ST and/or Atari Falcon home computers, as well as some who worked on/for ST NEWS with me who I have lost touch with. The 42 Anniversary Edition will be out in July 2028, so I have time.

– Jesus Cea Avion, Spain (active in the Atari ST scene around 1990)
– Lucas v/d Berg, Netherlands (active in the Atari ST scene around 1990, lived in Nijmegen)
– Christoph Berner, Switzerland (active in the Atari ST scene around 1990)
– Federico Bicini, Italy (active in the Atari ST scene around 1990)
– Claus Brod, Germany (active in the Atari ST scene around 1990, mass storage specialist)
– Rufus C. Camphausen, Netherlands (active in the Atari ST scene around 1987, was involved with Canopus Esoteric Research) PASSED AWAY 20 May 2013 🙁
– Math Claessens, Netherlands (active in the Atari ST scene around 1990, used to live in de Wagenaarstraat in Geleen)
– Leif Einar Claus (from Norway)
– Richard Clarkson, Australia (active in the Atari ST scene around 1990)
– Richard Decowski (ran ST X-Press), USA (active in the Atari ST scene around 1990)
– Les Ellingham (former Page 6 editor), UK (active in the Atari ST scene around 1990) FOUND
– Casper Falkenberg, Denmark (active in the Atari ST scene around 1990)
– Jacob Geensen (born 13 May 1939, who lived in Reeuwijk around 1990 and who, or whose son, was active in the Atari ST scene selling “F.A.S.T.E.R.” disk magazine)
– Paul Glover (used to run the FaST Club), UK (active in the Atari ST scene around 1990)
– Dan Hollis, USA (active in the Atari ST scene around 1990)
– Bryan Kennerley, UK (active in the Atari ST scene around 1990) FOUND
– André Lafreniere (ran F.A.S.T.E.R. disk magazine), Canada (active in the Atari ST scene around 1990)
– Ray Lovell (used to run W.A.C.E.), New Zealand (active in the Atari ST scene around 1990)
– David Meile (ran MAST Newsdisk), USA (active in the Atari ST scene around 1990)
– Frank Ostrowski (programmer of GfA Basic) – PASSED AWAY IN 2011 🙁 (though I am still looking for people who know more about him)
– Jordi Maria Pau, Spain (active in the Atari ST scene around 1990)
Piper, UK (active in the Atari ST scene around 1990, never knew his real name, lived in Blackheath, but had also lived in the Netherlands and was involved with Stichting STEM there)
Les Player, who I think had something to do with GfA Systemtechnik in Düsseldorf – PASSED AWAY 🙁
– Petar Soldo, South Africa (active in the Atari ST scene around 1990)
– Shiraz Shivji, USA (designer of the Atari ST and Commodore 64, worked at Packard Bell afterwards, among others)
– Roy Stead, UK (active in the Atari ST scene around 1990) – PASSED AWAY IN THE EARLY 2000s 🙁
– Guido Stumpe, Germany (active in the Atari ST scene around 1990) FOUND
– João Carlos V. Teixeira, Portugal (active in the Atari ST scene around 1990)
– Krzysztof Wroblewski, Poland (active in the Atari ST scene around 1990)
– a person who knows about ST/Falcon modding – FOUND Exxos!


Early 2021, triggered by results of my DNA test coming in, I became more interested in finding out about my direct ancestors. Since my mother’s father is unknown, I’d like to get in touch with some people who are related around that side of the family but that I have never been in touch with. I think my mother was too ashamed about her past when she was still alive. The below people are mostly half-siblings of hers.

– Digna Johanna de Fouw (born 16 September 1955, Kruiningen)
– Julia Maria de Fouw (born 30 April 1959, Kruiningen)
– Jacomina Johanna Oppeneer (born 29 September 1937)
– Someone who has researched an Oppeneer or Lavooij family tree (Dutch families primarily from the province of Zeeland)


I am the webmaster of the official Fear of God/Détente/Dawn Crosby site. To lift the content of that site to the next level, I need to contact quite a few people who were involved with those bands, or Dawn Crosby. I’d like to pick their brains about their time in the band, or their memories of working with Dawn.

– Ann Boleyn (vocals in Détente and Hellion)
– Dennis Butler (drums in Détente)
Greg Cekalovich (guitar in Détente) FOUND
– John Childs (vocals in Fog)
Blair Darby (bass in Fear of God) FOUND
– Frank Dimauro (guitar in Fear of God)
– Brendan Etter (drums in Fear of God)
Rob Farr (bass in Détente) PASSED AWAY 9 MAY 2021 🙁
– Bruce Greig (bass in Fear of God)
– Rick Hartwell (bass in Détente)
Bill Hayden (guitar in Fear of God) FOUND
– Rob Hunter (drums in Détente)
– Chris Kalandras (bass in Fear of God)
– Jason Levin (bass in Fear of God)
– Tony Mallory (guitar, keyboards in Fog and Chapelblaque)
– Scott McDaniel (guitar in Allies)
Rob Michael (bass in Fear of God) FOUND
Kevin “Bl00d” Nunn (the webmaster of the original Fear of God site until late 1998) FOUND
– Roberta Tempelman-Peterson (record company exec at Warner Brothers in 1990)
Caleb Quinn (guitar in Détente)  FOUND
– Fred Rascon (guitar in Détente)
– George Robb (guitar in Détente)
– Ross Robinson (guitar in Détente, producer of various Nu Metal bands – I know he’s on Twitter but he doesn’t respond there)
– Dave Smadbeck (keyboards in Fear of God)
– Chuck Stadulis (drums in Détente)
– Steve Stamato (bass in Détente)
– Dana Strum (producer in Détente)
Douglas J. Sylvia (drums in Fear of God) FOUND
– Sport Thompson (bassin Allies)
– Jim Tutone (guitar in Détente)
– John “Sparky” Voyles (guitar in Fear of God
– Andy Wallace (producer for Fear of God around 1990)
– Generally anyone involved with First Attack
– Generally anyone who can tell the world anything about Majesty (the band Dawn Crosby was involved in, not the band before Dream Theater)


There are a few people I’d like to get in touch with who have nothing to do with the above.

– Hans van der Linden (lived in the Bloemendaallaan, Helmond, around 1987)
– Bastiaan Plantinga (lived in Utrecht in the 2010s, born in 1963, son of Gerrit Plantinga, seems to have vanished off the face of the earth)

If you know any of these, please contact me. Oh, and I am also looking for a bunch of things :-). Thanks for your time!

Last updated 10 September 2023

Announcement of new Fear of God / Détente site with Forum

I first heard Fear of God’s “Within the Veil” on 14 March 1992 and I was instantly hooked. In the month after, I saw Fear of God twice, and both times met their vocalist Dawn Crosby. I did not realise it wasn’t the original line-up, but the music was there. To me, “Within the Veil” was the album of 1991 (not Metallica’s black album, though I loved that too back then).I was 24 at the time, and Fear of God struck a chord in my soul despite my rather privileged life.
In autumn 1998 I found a site dedicated to Fear of God maintained by Kevin “Bl00d” Nunn. Oddly enough, I was the one that told him about Dawn’s untimely death nearly two years earlier. Her death affected me deeply. Could I have done anything to prevent it? I had been in touch with her off and on since 1992, but apparently my fan comments had not sufficiently helped her see the bright side of life. I knew she had been a pained, troubled soul.

At the time I discovered Kevin’s tribute site, he barely did anything to update it anymore. So when I asked him if I could take over, I think he happily agreed.

So on 8 December 1998 I launched the first iteration of my version of the site. Since I was not in touch with any members of the original line-up, it focused on the then current incarnation of the band, going by the name of Fog. My main contacts were vocalist John Childs and guitarist Tony Mallory. The domain was jezabelsdreams.com, named after the album released by this band.

Fog dissolved, as it does, and in March 2001 I launched a totally revamped version of the site, inspired by having been on the phone with original guitarist Mike Carlino the winter before. It focused much more on the line-ups that recorded “Recognize no Authority” and, obviously, the seminal “Within the Veil”.

Years later, I happened upon Tony Keastead’s Dawn Crosby fan page on Facebook. We struck up a mutually beneficial exchange of information. When I decided my Fear of God site wasn’t really going anywhere due to lack of time and lack of news, I contacted Tony to ask if he was willing to take it over and become the third webmaster. He agreed, and nearly 17 years to the day after I had re-started the site, he took over. I occasionally visited the site, and was glad to see it was being updated more often than I did.

Late 2019 or early 2020 I visited the site and noticed the domain had expired. There was now no official presence of Fear of God, nor Dawn Crosby, on the web.

During the Corona crisis it occurred to me that I should at least make sure that there was some semblance of a repository of All Things Dawn. This culminated in my registering fearofgod.band (fearofgod.com, my first choice, was taken by some fashion brand). I re-instated the site from a backup, checked out the Wayback Engine Internet Archive to add some of Tony’s latest changes, updated various bits and bobs on the site, and also added a forum.

Now it needs to be said: The new version of the site doesn’t use state-of-the-art web design techniques, so it may not work well on phones or other small screens. But there is for now, and the foreseeable future, a place where fans of Dawn and her bands can find information and, due to this forum, meet.

If you’re interested, visit the site on fearofgod.band. I hope you’ll enjoy the site and that you’ll join the forum if you’re into these bands. I only wish Dawn could have been around to enjoy this part of her legacy.