"The Dance" is the Within Temptation EP, released early June, that is supposed to keep us satisfied until the next full-length album appears, due at the end of the year if all goes well.
The EP includes three new tracks (of which at least one is actually an oldie that has just never been put on CD) and a couple of remixes. The remixes are quite superfluous (basically enhanced rhythm effect), but the new songs are quite good. Angelic vocalist Sharon den Adel's voice might have been put more forward in the mix, but other than that especially a song like "The Other Half (Of Me)" really hits home.
The EP contains a bonus track in the form of a CD ROM feature. It did not leave too good an impression and is a quick'n'dirty job - which shows.
"The Dance" is no Within Temptation essential, though the three new tracks do show a glimmer of something really beautiful just across the horizon.
Written July 1998