Sometimes I walk into one of those horrible discount book stores - fluorescent lights, lots of big-sized pictures books, crates full of yellowing pocket, you've probably seen them. The other day I did just that and, on a whim, got Robert Serling's "Something's Alive on the Titanic" for the equivalent of about 2 US$.
A week later, I have to admit I was flabbergasted upon finishing it. I'd just had a really mesmerising read involving a dive to recover supposed boxes of gold bullion aboard the wreck of the R.M.S. Titanic, some 3.5 km deep in the Atlantic. I guess it's easy subject matter - the Titanic was a real-life example of a Hollywood script and tickles the imagination. Descriptions and Titanic facts are well done - obviously, quite a bit of research went into this book - and the story requires no specific effort in the field of disbelief suspension. There is rather a lot of a supernatural element, but it's at least half scientific, in a way, and a really good read.
I'd not expected this book to be any good, but it turned out to be a thrilling read. Well executed, a good story, only marred by a few cliches and flat characters. If you find this anywhere, especially in a sales bin, you should pick it up.
Released 1990, ISBN 0-312-92999-4
Written July 1999