After David Vincent was ousted from Morbid Angel, I was weary of what to expect. "Formulas Fatal to the Flesh" was a fine result, though, despite a few superfluous kind of drum-solo songs that didn't add much. All in all, better than the "D" album.
Next in the alphabet is "Gateways to Annihilation", yet another trademark Morbid Angel album that, despite somewhat less of an accent of speed, is still all Morbid Angel. There's the occult lyrics, the positively frantic guitar solos that would possibly cause Yngwie Malmsteen to turn around in his grave, and lots of tempo changes. "Summoning Redemption" and "Ageless, Still I Am" are two excellent tracks right at the onset of the album, followed by more good material in the form of "Opening of the Gates" and "Secured Limitations" - the latter with a different style of vocals. Only "Awakening", a slightly superfluous instrumental, mars the album as a whole.
I don't think Morbid Angel fans - or afficionados of extreme and heavy music in general - will be disappointed.
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Written October 2000