I have a problem with almost all King Diamond albums ever released, with the exception of "Abigail": I don't initially like them. But, strangely, come the next album I suddenly like the previous album. I always thought "The Graveyard" was a bit too theatrical, with too much of King's speaking and whispering, but I recently put it on again and I really liked it. That was after I'd listened to "Voodoo", King Diamond's latest effort.
Maybe it's fair to conclude that King Diamond albums have a weird maturing process? Or maybe it's just me, I couldn't say. Fact is that "Voodoo" is a really OK album but it hasn't yet hit home with me. Some of its tracks are pretty cool (particularly "Voodoo", with scary-sounding guitar additions by Dimebag Darrell), but I couldn't really call it a King Classic. People never liked "The Spider's Lullabye", in general, but I happen to think it's their finest album, after "Abigail" of course. So the rating for this album is a highly idiosyncratic '3'.
Written July 1998