Quite some time ago, before the times of "Metal-E-Zine" in fact, I wrote reviews for another magazine. I was on the mailing list of Holy Records, which was one of the leading French independent metal labels at the time. They had some splendid recording artists on their roster, including Septic Flesh, Orphaned Land, Misanthrope, Nightfall, Elend and Tristitia. We're talking mid nineties here, at which time all these bands were delivering excellent goods. Holy Records continued to sign and deliver bands that were on the cutting edge of modern metal.
Adipocere is a much bigger label. They have signed tons of bands, and I am saddened to say that many of them are a total waste of plastic, paper, stamps, carboard and, of course, time. However, in between all that which is (in my humble opinion, obviously) utter bollocks, there are little gems that make it all worth while. Last year I discovered Carcariass that way, and this year it seems to be Furia's turn.
"Un Lac de Larmes et de Sang" ("A Lake of Tears and Blood") is a kind of death metal, with excellent production and tasteful addition of female vocal accents here and there. There's plenty going on that is a little unusual, instantly lifting it up from the aggregate of death metal clones out there. Yes, you can trust the French to do things just a little different from the rest, the results of which are blue cheese, movies like "Amelie", a stance against the war in Iraq, Jeu de Boules, the stubborn persistence of speaking French wherever they are, and, indeed bands like Furia.
It is very difficult to pinpoint exactly what makes them different or interesting. Different arrangements, perhaps, or their use of French (a language which, staunch supporters of "The Matrix Reloaded" will know, is beautiful fit to swear in). The only thing I didn't unequivocally appreciate is their lead singer, Damien Paquet. I rather more appreciate low grunters in this genre. Well hey, that's just me. Fact is, however, that listening to Furia brought back the sensation I recalled from nearly 10 years ago when Holy Records regularly readjusted the extreme parameters of my aural taste buds.
Written May 2003